Function prepareImmediateStakeTransactions

    • Returns a group transaction to stake ALGO and get xALGO immediately.


      • consensusConfig: ConsensusConfig

        consensus application and xALGO config

      • consensusState: ConsensusState

        current state of the consensus application

      • senderAddr: string

        account address for the sender

      • amount: number | bigint

        amount of ALGO to send

      • minReceivedAmount: number | bigint

        min amount of xALGO expected to receive

      • params: SuggestedParams

        suggested params for the transactions with the fees overwritten

      • proposerAllocations: ProposerAllocations = ...

        determines which proposers the ALGO sent goes to

      • Optionalnote: Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

        optional note to distinguish who is the minter (must pass to be eligible for revenue share)

      Returns Transaction[]

      Transaction[] stake transactions