Function prepareWithdrawFromDepositStakingEscrow

  • Returns a transaction to withdraw from a deposit staking escrow


    Transaction withdraw from deposit staking escrow transaction


    • depositStakingAppId: number

      deposit staking application of escrow

    • pool: Pool

      pool to withdraw from

    • poolManagerAppId: number

      pool manager application

    • userAddr: string

      account address for the user

    • escrowAddr: string

      account address for the deposit staking escrow

    • receiverAddr: string

      account address to receive the withdrawal (typically the same as the user address)

    • amount: number | bigint

      the amount of asset / f asset to send to withdraw from escrow.

    • isfAssetAmount: boolean

      whether the amount to withdraw is expressed in terms of f asset or asset

    • remainDeposited: boolean

      whether receiver should get f asset or asset (cannot remain deposited and use asset amount)

    • stakeIndex: number

      staking program index

    • params: SuggestedParams

      suggested params for the transactions with the fees overwritten

    Returns Transaction

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